Q & A with the Docs: Bad Veins + Where Does the Blood Go?

Husband have bad varicose veins? Curious to know where the blood goes after a saphenous vein ablation? These two burning questions are answered by Physicians Vein Clinics’ own Dr. Hansen below.

Q: My husband has bad varicose veins. What type of doctor should he see?

A: I would recommend that he see a physician that specializes in the treatment of varicose veins. They will be using the latest and most advanced treatment options available. It is common for many general surgeons to do vein stripping which is unnecessary in almost all cases. Vein stripping has much higher risks and expenses compared to the current standard of care that you will find with a vein specialist such as those at Physicians Vein Clinics.

Q: Where does the blood go after saphenous vein ablation?

A: Even when treating a larger vein lithe the great saphenous vein, we are only closing a tiny percentage of veins in your leg. The blood will simply reroute itself to veins that are working correctly.

These questions were answered by our board-certified physician, Dr. Hansen, MD, DABVLM, RPhS. You can find Dr. Hansen in our Sioux Falls, SD; Watertown, SD; and Fargo, ND vein clinics.

Learn more about Dr. Hansen


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We have 12 vein clinic locations across South Dakota, Iowa and North Dakota. Our vein specialists are board-certified and highly skilled in treating spider veins, varicose veins and other vein-related symptoms. Schedule your consultation today to jump-start your vein treatment!

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