When Is It Time to See a Vein Doctor?

When Is It Time to See a Vein Doctor?

Vein Specialist

Vein pain is something one should take seriously. A subtle vein symptom can pose greater health issues such as deep vein thrombosis, leg ulcers, or blood clots.

Without timely treatment, vein disease can worsen over time. Many people will try home remedies for vein treatments before seeking professional treatment. Trust us - the sooner you get a prompt diagnosis and treatment, the better it is for your vein health. In this article, we have listed 8 signs that you should see a vein doctor.

Why See A Vein Specialist?

A primary doctor may be able to treat vein disease, but they might not have enough specialty and experience in vein care and advanced vein treatment.

A vein specialist, who has gone through intensive training and years of practice can diagnose your underlying disease and provide prompt vein treatment. Even better, it doesn’t cost more to see an actual vein specialist. Physicians Vein Clinics offers free vein screenings and accepts most insurances.

What Are Vein Disorders?

Venous disease occurs when blood doesn't flow properly through the veins back to the heart. Blood pools in the legs and causes symptoms of swelling, pain, and discoloration.

Vein diseases most often appear as varicose veins and spider veins. Varicose veins are enlarged, bulging, and twisting veins. Spider veins are small lines of purple or blue veins.

When Should I See A Vein Specialist?

Many of our patients delay a proper diagnosis or vein treatment until it gets worse and becomes too painful to handle. Our vein specialists recommend you schedule a free vein screening to diagnose the symptoms as soon as you notice early signs of vein diseases.

Signs you should pay attention to:

1. You feel a throbbing and/or aching in your legs.

Though leg pain can have multiple different causes, it is a common symptom of varicose veins. You are more likely to feel pain and aching in your day-to-day life.

To best diagnose the cause of leg pain, we recommend that you consult a vein doctor. A board-certified vein doctor will be able to examine your leg condition and the underlying cause of the pain. Depending on your leg pain condition, our doctor will determine a personalized treatment plan.

2. You are suffering from frequent leg cramps, especially at night.

Chronic leg cramps are common in older people aged over 60 and may be a sign of vein disorder.

Oftentimes, if you overexercise or you are dehydrated, you can experience leg cramps. In these conditions, alleviating your legs, drinking water or taking ibuprofen can help. However, if you are experiencing leg cramps three or more times a week, it can signal a more serious health problem, and you should see a vein doctor at one of our vein clinics near you.

3. Your legs feel weak after prolonged periods of standing or sitting.

Those who have an office or sales job that requires long hours of sitting or standing may be prone to vein disease. The lack of leg movement can cause leg weakness at the end of the day. Alleviating your legs before going to bed or having a 5-minute break every 30-minute-sitting can help relieve the symptoms.

It should be noted that leg weakness can also be a sign of vein issues. Varicose veins can cause your legs to feel weak. If you are experiencing other symptoms (leg aching or heaviness) alongside weakness, there is a high chance that you are struggling with vein disease.

4. You have swollen ankles, legs, and calves.

Leg swelling can be the result of a non-serious to severe health problem:

  • A fall or accident

  • Side-effect of medication

  • Inflammatory disorder

  • Pregnancy

  • Fluid retention

  • Varicose veins

For mild swelling, elevating your legs, reducing salt intake, and frequent moving can all help to alleviate the issues temporarily.

If you have unexplained or sudden leg swelling, it is necessary that you see a vein doctor.

5. You have itching burning skin or a rash near your ankle (eczema).

Itchy, inflamed and often discolored skin is mostly found in the lower legs, near the ankles.

These skin issues may indicate that you have a vein problem. When blood doesn't flow properly and the fluid builds up, some of the blood leaks out of the veins and into the skin. The condition may initially present as a red rash, and the surrounding skin may be itchy, dry and rough.

If you leave the unsightly rash untreated, it can turn into a more serious issue - a leg ulcer.

Make an appointment with a vein doctor at one of our vein clinics near you if you notice discoloration in your legs and around the ankles.

6. You have had multiple pregnancies and you notice varicose/spider veins.

Women who have had children are more likely to develop vein diseases. Hormone changes, extra weight, and increased blood volume combined with pressure on your leg veins can all contribute to the appearance of varicose veins.

Varicose veins can be a cosmetic problem, but it can also be a concerning health issue if pregnant women experience discomfort, pain or blood clots. In this case, it's necessary to see a vein specialist to determine the best treatment plan for your veins.

7. You've developed leg ulcers or open wounds.

If you have a persistent wound that doesn't heal, it may be due to poor blood circulation and be a sign of more serious venous disorders. These open wounds are often found on the lower legs, around the calf and ankle.

Leg ulcers can be painful and become infected. If you have ulcers that are red in color or feel hot, you should schedule a free vein screening at one of our vein clinics immediately to prevent the spread of infection.

8. You notice skin discoloration or dark spots in the lower legs.

If you spot your vein changing color and notice yellow, brown, or black staining, or a bruise-like appearance on your lower legs, you should schedule a free vein screening. The condition can be due to various venous diseases and other illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or cardiovascular disease.

However, if you find the discoloration persists over time, it is a signal that your veins can develop a blood clot, which prevents blood from circulating properly. We encourage you to seek medical advice and treatment as soon as possible.

Without timely treatment, this can lead to deep vein thrombosis, a condition that can pose a life-threatening issue.

Minimally-Invasive Treatments for Vein Concerns

At our vein clinics, we offer the most advanced minimally-invasive treatments. These procedures are safe, effective, and pain-free.

Our vein specialists are board-certified and have years of experience with skillful hands to treat your vein diseases. Vein doctors are recognized leaders in the diagnosis and treatment of vein disorders.

We provide a complimentary free screening and an individualized treatment plan for every one of our patients. To schedule your free screening, call us at (888)-782-8346 or book online. For your convenience, we have several vein clinics across South Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota.

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