How to Prevent Varicose Vein During Pregnancy?


What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins appear mostly in women's legs or high thighs. They are bulging and swollen veins. Though sometimes being used interchangeably, varicose veins are quite different from spider veins. Spider veins most often appear as a network of smaller veins. Spider veins are considered less dangerous than varicose veins. They are more cosmetic nuisances.

Why Do Pregnant Women Get Varicose Veins?

Some women may start to develop varicose veins during their pregnancy. They can get worse by having multiple pregnancies or even carrying multiples.

During pregnancy, the amount of blood in a woman’s body increases, adding extra pressure to her veins. The extra progesterone production can cause the walls of the blood vessels to relax. Weight gain, together with the increasing pressure on leg veins from the growing uterus can worsen the cases.

Once the baby is born, the varicose vein signs will mostly go away.

How to Prevent Varicose Veins During Pregnancy?

The enlarged veins (varicose veins) can be a cosmetic problem, but it can be a concerning health issue if pregnant women experience discomfort, pains, or blood clots. Here are the dos and don’ts our vein physicians recommend you to follow to prevent or minimize varicose veins:


  1. Maintain the recommended weight range for one’s stage of pregnancy. Being overweight can worsen the varicose veins.

  2. Elevate your legs before sleeping time or after sitting/standing for too long.

  3. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes.

  4. Exercise: no hardcore gym needed. If you can just walk, jog or swim, it will also help a lot with your delivery.

  5. Wear compression stockings to minimize swelling and leg pains and to support the blood moves.


  1. Cross your legs while sitting. This behavior puts extra pressure on veins around the knee.

  2. Sit or stand for a long period of time (causes your veins to work harder).

  3. Smoke or consume excessive amounts of sodium and alcohol which restricts blood flow.

  4. Wear tight-fitting clothes or high-heeled shoes (which contributes to poor circulation).

  5. Sleep on your left or right side only. Try to move your body while sleeping.

As the pregnancy period is so sensitive our vein doctors do not recommend any invasive treatment. Most of the time, our doctors will suggest you wear compression socks to treat varicose veins.

Varicose Vein Treatment Near Me

FACT: Up to 40% of Pregnant Women Get Varicose Veins

Book a free vein screening with our varicose vein physicians to learn more about your risks, lifestyle adjustments, and preventive measurements for varicose veins. Our vein clinics have 10 vein locations across South Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota. Our vein doctors are board-certified and highly skilled in treating varicose veins, spider veins, and other vein-related symptoms.

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