Spider Veins on Legs: Symptoms & Treatment

What are Spider Veins?


Many people mistake spider veins and varicose veins. Spider veins, though similar to the latter, look smaller. They usually appear in a network of short, jagged lines and near the surface of the skin. Like varicose veins, this vein disease is caused by a pooling of blood when valves are weakened or damaged.

Spider veins often appear on legs, thighs, ankles, or in some cases, the face, and they are generally red, blue, or purple. They are almost always painless but can be a cosmetic nuisance. In some circumstances, when associated with other symptoms, spider veins can pose a concerning health issue. If you experience any of these symptoms such as leg pain, leg aching, restless leg syndrome, dark spots, blood clots, etc., we highly recommend you seek medical advice immediately.

Causes of Spider Veins

There are many causes of spider veins.

  • Genes: If your family has a medical history of spider veins, you are more likely to get it.

  • Pregnancy: Increasing blood volume and the uterus put pressure on leg veins during pregnancy. Vein problems might disappear during or after the pregnancy period is over. 

  • Excess Body Weight: Overweight can add pressure to leg veins. 

  • Age: Vein wall weakens as people age. The calf muscle, which supports leg veins to pump blood upward, will also weaken. 

  • Lack of Exercise: Sitting or standing too long can hinder the blood flow and cause varicose veins to appear. Frequent exercises can help improve blood circulation, which will prevent the appearance of vein diseases and maintain your legs' health. 30 minutes of any exercise daily are recommended by our physicians at PVC.

Spider Vein Treatment

Spider Veins are almost always painless but can be a cosmetic nuisance. Simple outpatient procedures such as sclerotherapy or laser treatments can be used to treat spider veins. At Physicians Vein Clinic, we offer minimally invasive procedures at the most affordable prices. Our treatment options vary depending on the general health conditions as well as the vein diseases.

Here are some of the treatments we do at our clinics:

Compression Socks

Wearing compression stockings is especially helpful for those who have to stand or sit for long periods of time. This is our most minimally invasive treatment with no side effects included.

  • Support pantyhose: Hose provides light pressure.

  • Gradient compression stockings and socks: Compression stocks are graded to help with different levels of blood flow. Compression stocking comes four levels: Mild (8-15 mmHg), Medium (15-20 mmHg), Firm (20-30 mmHg), X-Firm (30-40 mmHg).

  • Prescription compression stockings: Requires a doctor's prescription. They provide the most pressure, but they aren't suitable for everyone. Consult our physicians for compression socks options.


Physicians would inject an irritant directly into the affected vein area. When the walls of the veins react, they stick together and keep blood from flowing into the area. Sclerotherapy can reduce swelling and help vanish spider veins.

Learn other treatment options here

If you experience signs or symptoms which are worrisome to you, Physicians Vein Clinics offer a 24-Hour Answering Service for all of our patients. Please call us at 888-782-8346 to speak with our vein specialist or to the nursing staff.

Spider Vein Treatment Near Me

Our vein clinics have 10 vein locations across South Dakota, Iowa, and Minneapolis. Our vein doctors are certified and highly skilled in treating varicose veins, spider veins, and other vein-related symptoms.

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