Q & A with the Docs: Sitting in Cars + Compression Stockings

Mail carriers and other folks who spend a lot of time in their cars - listen up! Dr. Chester takes on this question along with a popular compression stocking question.

Q: I work as a mail carrier and spend a lot of time in my car. Is it better to wear thigh-high compression stockings or knee-high?

A: Compression stockings of the proper strength and fit, both knee high and thigh high, can be beneficial for adults spending prolonged periods of time sitting or standing. Thigh-high compression stockings do perform better as they augment the vein circulation higher up your leg and have less tendency to “pinch” behind your knee when sitting. Some people don’t tolerate thigh-high compression stockings and can have trouble with keeping them up, so they may do better with properly fitted knee-high compression stockings if prescribed by their vein specialist.


Q: Are my legs supposed to hurt when I wear compression stockings?

A: Compression stockings, when using the correct type/strength and properly fitted, should not make your legs hurt. If someone is having pain with wearing compression stockings, I would recommend they see a vein specialist to determine if it is a problem with the compression garment or possibly an underlying medical condition such as peripheral arterial disease.

These questions were answered by our board-certified physician, Dr. Chester, MD, DABVLM, RPhS. You can find Dr. Chester in our Mitchell, SD; Sioux Falls, SD; Sioux City, IA; and Sioux Center, IA vein clinics.

Learn more about Dr. Chester


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