8 Superfoods for Varicose Veins


Varicose veins can be painful and unpleasant. They occur in both men and women and tend to worsen over time as people age.

Varicose veins develop as valves are damaged or weaken, making it harder for the vein to pump blood back to the heart. There are many factors associated with the risk of vein diseases including genetics, obesity, aging, inactivity, etc. The good news is varicose veins can sometimes be prevented by a healthy diet: what you eat can have an effect on your veins.

1. Chia Seeds

Constipation can create extra pressure in the veins of the lower rectum, leading to the formation of varicose veins. High-fiber foods like chia seeds can improve and support digestive functions preventing bloating and increased pressure on the legs.

2. Blackberries

Like blueberries, blackberries contain flavonoid which is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. This superfood can help strengthen veins, improve arterial health, and protect against blood clots.

3. Ginger

Ginger is known as an anti-inflammatory superfood for varicose veins. Ginger helps improve blood flow and dissolves fibrin in blood vessels. Fibrin causes veins to become hard and lumpy. Most people have difficulty breaking down fibrin, so the increase of ginger consumption can help prevent varicose veins.

4. Beets

Beetroot juice is rich in nitrates, which opens up blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Consumption of beets can help improve and support circulation naturally. This superfood also contains betacyanin, which can reduce the level of amino acids that damage blood vessels.

5. Watercress 

Watercress is rich in vitamin K and is high in B1, B2, B6, C, E, manganese, and carotenes. It also provides iron, calcium, copper, and fiber nutrition. Watercress is considered the "cure of cures" by Hippocrates - the father of medicine. It's especially great for vein health. The peppery taste makes it a delicious addition to salads, sandwiches, or other dishes.

6. Rosemary

Rosemary contains rosmarinic acid, a compound that can help prevent damage to tissues in the body. Rosemary can stimulate blood circulation, so it's highly recommended for varicose veins. Rosemary is great in soups, potatoes, or salad.

7. Buckwheat

Buckwheat is high in protein and fiber. It's a good source of the antioxidant rutin, which can improve blood flow and circulation.

Buckwheat can be used to cook porridge or baking flour.

8. Leafy Greens

Leafy green vegetables (kale and collard greens) are excellent sources of magnesium that can manage blood circulation and blood flow. Some other leafy greens such as dandelions are natural diuretics and can help reduce leg swelling.

Vein Clinics in South Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota

If you are experiencing any symptoms of vein disease, it's recommended that you should see a vein doctor or vascular specialist as soon as possible. Varicose veins, if left untreated, can intensify over time, and can lead to serious health issues. Our vein centers have a highly trained and skillful team of vein experts. We are specialized in the treatment of varicose veins and spider veins.

Book a Free Screening with our vein clinics today to have your symptoms diagnosed and to get a personalized treatment plan. We have 10 clinics throughout South Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota.

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Huong NguyenVein Care, Vein Diet