

Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that effectively treats varicose veins and spider veins. It's often considered the treatment of choice for varicose veins and spider veins. Sclerotherapy is a procedure used to shrink and collapse abnormal veins by injecting an FDA-approved chemical agent into the vein that destroys the vein.

Varicose veins appear as swollen and bulging veins in the legs. As the vein valves weaken or become damaged, blood pools in the veins, causing them to swell. Varicose veins are painful and can lead to serious health issues if left untreated. By shrinking the veins, sclerotherapy can reduce the effect of vein damage, making them less visible and painful.

Spider veins are web-like veins. Spider veins are more of a cosmetic issue than a physical health issue.

People with varicose veins and spider veins should consider sclerotherapy when these symptoms are present:

  • Leg aching

  • Leg heaviness

  • Itching & Burning

  • Leg Ulcer

  • Eczema

  • Skin Discoloration

  • Muscle Cramps

  • Undesirable appearance of veins


Benefits of Sclerothearpy

  • Minimally invasive, non-surgical

  • High success rate, up to 80% closure with each treatment

  • Office-based procedure

  • No general anesthesia

  • No downtime

  • Fewer side effects than traditional vein “stripping”


Sclerotherapy Effectiveness

You can expect to see the results for small varicose and spider veins in 3 to 6 weeks. Larger veins may require three to four months and multiple sessions might be needed.

Once your problematic veins are treated, they won't come back. However, new veins may appear over time. Our vein specialists recommend you follow conservative therapy to protect and maintain your leg health. At home measures include:

  • Wearing compression stockings when feasible

  • Follow a healthy diet

  • Maintain a healthy weight

  • Avoid smoking

  • Exercising frequency

  • Elevating your legs at the end of the day



The procedure is done by a board-certified vein specialist and is completed within 15 to 30 minutes. The vein provider uses a very fine needle to inject the sclerosant into the vein. The solution irritates the lining of the blood vessel and causes it to collapse.

Over time, the vessel turns into scar tissue and fades away. Depending on the size and location of the treated veins, the number of veins injected in one session will vary.

Up to 80% of treated veins will be eliminated with each sclerotherapy session. Several sessions are sometimes required to eliminate the majority of veins.

Pre-Treatment Instructions:

  • Bring your compression stockings with you for each appointment.

  • Bring comfortable shoes for walking.

  • Avoid using lotions on your legs the day of your sclerotherapy session.

  • Drink 64oz of water and avoid alcohol the day prior to your sclerotherapy session.

  • Drink 32oz of water and avoid caffeine/coffee the day of your sclerotherapy session.

  • Report any medication, allergies, or changes in your medical condition before your session.

Post-Treatment Instructions:

  • After sclerotherapy a compression stocking will be applied. After walking for 10-20 minutes, you will be able to drive yourself home.

  • You will be instructed to wear compression stockings continuously for 2 days (sleep in them for 2 nights). Thereafter, you will put your stockings on in the morning and take them off at night for 5 additional days. (7 days of stockings TOTAL).

  • You may resume most of your regular activities immediately, excluding running, jumping and other strenuous activities that involve your core muscle group (torso area). Do not lift more than 40 pounds for 1 week. You may resume normal workouts after 1 week.

  • Avoid air travel for 1 week following a sclerotherapy session.

  • Avoid hot tubs, baths, lakes or swimming pools for 1 week.

  • Walk at least 30-60 minutes per day following the procedure.


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