Why Are My Veins Blue and Green?


Veins are essential to the function of the circulatory system. Veins and vein valves are responsible for bringing red, oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart and lungs for re-oxygenation. Arteries are responsible for bringing oxygen rich blood to the organs and extremities.

If blood is red, why do your veins appear blue or green? Veins carry a darker oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart, making them darker than the blood that arteries carry. The color of your veins can depend on factors including natural complexion and body mass index.

However, visible blue or green veins on the legs can also be an early sign of a common medical condition. Vein disease or venous insufficiency can be the underlying cause of visible veins , especially when you are noticing increased spider veins or bulging varicose veins.

Should I Be Worried About Visible Blue or Green Veins?

If your blue or green veins are bulging or become painful, it’s a sign that you may need to see one of our vein specialists. Spider a Bulging veins can be an early sign of venous insufficiency. Venous insufficiency occurs when valves in the vein become weak and damaged, allowing blood to flow backward and pool in the veins, causing vein wall weakening which leads to vein stretching and dilation.

Major signs of venous insufficiency that you should look out for:

If you notice pronounced blue veins that appear to be enlarging over time, we recommend you seek medical care from a vein specialist at your nearest vein clinic. Visible bulging veins can cause inflammation in the lower legs which puts you at risk for Deep Vein Thrombosis or for venous ulcers to develop. The most effective treatment would start with addressing the underlying cause - vein disease.

Vein Disease and Treatment

Problematic or faulty veins are not always visible. You may experience early symptoms of vein disease such as swelling or cramping with no visible blue or green veins. On the other hand, malfunctioning veins may be visible, but not enlarged. The appearance of tiny spider veins can be an early sign of a vein condition.

In general, you may be more at risk of developing chronic venous insufficiency if you are

  • Female

  • Over the age of 50

  • Pregnant

  • Overweight

  • Have a family history of vein disease

  • Regularly stand or sit for long hours

If you have concerns about your vein health or your visible blue veins, you can schedule a free vein screening with one of our vein doctors. A vascular specialist can examine your vein condition and determine if you are experiencing vein disease. If you are aware of your risk factors, your vein specialist will closely monitor your early signs and recommend therapies to maintain leg health and to treat your current condition.

At Physicians Vein Clinics, we offer a variety of minimally invasive vein treatments that can help you return to normal activities comfortably. Our procedures include:

Schedule Free Screening with Physicians Vein Clinics

To have your vein health assessed by a vein specialist, book a free screening at Physicians Vein Clinics.

Our vein doctors are specialized in performing minimally invasive treatments for spider veins, varicose veins, and other vein related conditions. We have 12 convenient vein clinics across South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota.

Find a vein clinic near me.

Huong NguyenVein Symptoms